Employees must
be physically fit and healthy.
Pre- employment medical
check should be required for all personnel.
Prevailing conditions may
require employee to participate in a supervised program of
medication and in occultation against diseases. Full
participation is important to maintain the health and
fitness of all workers.
Good health depends on a balance of work, rest, sensible
and regular meals, adequate sleep and avoidance to rich
food, alcohol, Qat tobacco and drugs:-
All personnel should maintain high standards of
hygiene. Area of concern should include:-
Provision for potable.
Sanitary toilet facilities.
Sleeping quarters.
Rubbish disposal.
Cuts and abrasions should be cleaned at once and given
first-aid treatment.
Many serious infections can be guarded against by
inoculation and vaccination.
Prolonged exposure to minerals oils may cause dermatitis
and skin cancer. All traces of oil should be thoroughly
washed from the skin, and hydrocarbon solvents should be
avoided. Suitable barrier creams should be used.
Simple infection can easily be spread from one person to
another. Preventive measures, as well as easily
effective treatment, are essential.
The risk of contracting malaria can be reducing by
taking precaution. Such precaution includes use of
mosquito wire screening and nets, keeping opening
(Doors, windows, skylights) Closed. Taking of a
recommended malaria prophylactic should also control the
Each member of the crew must be instructed in the
identification of hazards exist could involve the wearing of
alternative or additional protective clothing.